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Disaster Information~
DogE911 considers animals a part of the family, so we believe it is imperative to plan ahead 
to include them in your disaster preparation.  They depend on us, & we can 
not let them down! 

With national animal laws changing every day & the human-animal bond ever so prevalent, 
one must prepare for their pets future in any disaster situation.  Disasters can be either natural or man-made.  No matter which is the case, all are time-sensitive.  Planning ahead with your animals will always make things less stressful & save time 
for both you & your pets.

DogE911 Checklist:

 ANIMAL FIRST AID / DISASTER KIT~  Items for each specific type of animal you own & kept  inside a waterproof, air tight, & portable container.

 ANIMAL IDENTIFICATION~  Microchipping is good idea with proof of animal ownership vital  during a disaster.  Can include collars & tags, halters, leg or neck bands, photographs, &  microchip numbers.  Attach current phone numbers, email address, & alternative contacts on all  pets identification.

 ANIMAL RECORDS~  Have all veterinary records & vet's contact info, vaccine records,  medication list, allergies, special needs, etc. & keep laminated or inside a sealed bag.

 * TRANSPORT~  Can include crates, carriers, cages, trailers, pens, etc.  Get animal accustomed to  crate / trailer ahead of time & all types of carriers should be clearly identified with contact info.

 * RESTRAINT~  Includes leashes, harnesses, halters, etc. & used to keep control.

 MEDICATIONS~  Have at least 2 weeks dosage on hand.

 * FOOD & WATER~  Food includes three-day supply if evacuating, & two-week supply if 
 shelter at home.  Water equals one gallon per animal per day, though some animals require more.

 * CLEAN UP~  Can include bleach, trash bags, newspapers, paper towels, litter, poop bags, old  towels, etc.

 * EXTRAS~  Can include bowls, feeders, buckets, treats, toys, blankets, beds, a shirt or pillowcase  that has your scent on it, etc...really any favorite items to reduce stress levels.  For birds, reptiles,  & / or fish this can include misters, heating pads, filters, traveling carriers, covers, etc.

 EVACUATION PLAN~  NEVER leave your animals behind, they can not care for themselves!  
  CA Bill AB 450 basically states...'If We Go, They Go!'  Check out this bill, other states legislation,  or the PETS Act of 2006 by clicking on the orange box to the left.  
 Include finding a place to stay with your animals.  Check ahead of time 
with relatives & friends, motels, shelters, campgrounds, etc.  Sometimes during disaster situations, hotels & shelters make exceptions for pets.  If you can not be with your pets or you have livestock / horses, then it is imperative to find prior arrangements.  Most animal shelters & humane societies take smaller animals, also check with day care / kennels, 
animal rescues, & vets.  Options for larger animals include rescues, farms, fairgrounds, 
race tracks, & ranches.  Check with your local humane society / animal shelter about specific county facilities available for your animals.  Certain farms / kennels have space & make prior arrangements for displaced animals.

 * DRILL & TRAIN~  Animals sense anxiety, so if we are prepared then it helps them remain calm.  Practice evacuation plans with animals & teach basic commands / hand signals.

 * BACK UP PLAN~  Post animal evacuation stickers (include hiding places for pets) on 
 windows for first responders & set up buddy system with neighbors.  Know community disaster  plan & contacts in case not at home when disaster strikes.

 * EVACUATE~  Know when to leave & when to stay!  If emergency management says to evacuate,  then do so as quickly as possible.  If told to shelter in place, then bring animals inside & seal up  home or barn.

 * COLLECTION~  Collect animals, kits, & supplies.  Remain calm above all things!  Animals 
 can react extremely different during disaster, so be prepared to muzzle / swaddle / restrain 
 if necessary.

 * STAY TOGETHER~  If at all possible!  Many human shelters are set up near animal sheltering  facilities to be near pets.  This reduces stress for both during disaster situations.

 * LOOSE ANIMALS~  Contact local animal shelter / humane society, pet rescue, equine evacuation,  or wildlife rescue.  For injured & loose wildlife can contact: to find  closest facility nearby.

 RETURN HOME~  Only go home once considered safe & understand there is much recovery  time.  Try to return things back to normal, animals like routines.  

 * IF SEPARATED~  Don’t ever give up!  Having determination, along with proper identification,  proof of ownership, photos, etc. can help reunite much sooner.  Use internet resources  like &

 * FINAL NOTE~   Remember animals depend on not let them down by being unprepared  during a time of crisis!

* Consider taking one 
of our DogE911 animal first aid & disaster 
training courses today!  
Please see our Classes page for 
more information. 

Disaster references:

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

American Red Cross

HSUS (Humane Society of the 
United States)

ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

American Humane

AVMA (American Veterinary 
Medical Association)